Sunday, 29 April 2012

Belgian English Cocker Club

Uitstekende resultaten op de Clubmatch van de Belgian English Cocker Club: Maggie 2U in Open klas en Dory 1U in Kampioensklas, maar onze ster van de dag was Konstanze die Best Puppy in Show won en van keurmeesteres Mrs J. Gilmour ook een prachtig keurverslag kreeg.

Excellent results at the Belgian English Cocker Club Ch Show: Maggie 2nd in Open and Dory 1st in Champion Class, both with Excellent, but our star of the day was Konstanze who won her Class and went on to win Best Puppy in Show. Thanks to Mrs J. Gilmour for the wonderful critique on our young hopeful.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Goes (NL)

Goes was de eerste show waarop Maggie was ingeschreven sinds ze 27 maanden werd en dus oud genoeg voor de Nederlandse Kampioenstitel. Ze had vorig jaar al meer dan voldoende punten verzameld en dus volstond een Res. CAC. Maar ze maakte het in stijl af en won onder keurmeesteres Viviane Boesmans het CAC/IB  en Beste v/h Ras!

The Goes Int. Ch Show was the first show at which Maggie was entered since she turned 27 months (the minimum age for obtaining the Dutch Champion title). She already had gathered more than enough points last year, so the Res. CAC was all she needed. But she finished the job in style by winning the CAC/IB and BOB under Viviane Boesmans!

Friday, 6 April 2012