This year's Ch. Show of the Belgian Spaniel Club was judged by Frank Kane (GB). Both Dory and Maggie were placed 1st in their respective class, Maggie went on to win Best Junior in Show.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Belgian Spaniel Club
This year's Ch. Show of the Belgian Spaniel Club was judged by Frank Kane (GB). Both Dory and Maggie were placed 1st in their respective class, Maggie went on to win Best Junior in Show.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Bleiswijk (NL)
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Engelse Cocker Spaniel Club Nederland
Onze twee jonge meiden blijven het goed doen. Op de eerste Kampioenschapsclubmatch van de Engelse Cocker Spaniel Club Nederland wonnen ze alweer beiden een sterke klas onder de Engelse rasspecialist Michael Parkinson. Net als op de clubmatch van de SSA behaalde Dory in de eindkeuring het Reserve CAC. Zij staat nu nog slechts één CAC verwijderd van haar definitieve Nederlandse Kampioenstitel. (Foto's - © ECSCN)
Our two youngster are continuing their winning ways. At the first Championship Show of the English Cocker Spaniel Club of the Netherlands they again both won their respective class in strong competition under UK breed specialist Michael Parkinson. And just like she did at the SSA Ch Show Dory went on to win the Reserve CAC. She now only needs one more CAC for her Dutch Champion title. (Photos - © ECSCN)
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Sporting Spaniel Association

Op de Kampioenschapsclubmatch van de Sporting Spaniel Association heeft ons showteam weer een schitterend resultaat behaald onder de Engelse rasspecialiste Lesley Spencer: Maggie (bovenste foto - © Philippe Fortemps) en Dory (onderste foto) wonnen beiden hun klas en Dory wist uiteindelijk beslag te leggen op het Reserve Kampioenschap. Maggie's broer Cooper werd derde in zijn klas.
At the Championship Show of the Sporting Spaniel Association our show team did very well again under UK breed specialist judge Lesley Spencer. Maggie (top photo - © Philippe Fortemps) and Dory (bottom photo) both won their respective classes and Dory went on to win the Reserve CAC. Maggie's litter brother Cooper got a 3rd place in his class.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Ch Billsor Topsy Turvy (18/08/1995 - 09/04/2010)

Vandaag was een mooie lentedag, maar toch was het één van de donkerste dagen in ons leven. Topsy had al een tijdje ernstige gezondheidsproblemen welke vandaag een dieptepunt hadden bereikt. Daarom hebben we samen met onze dierenarts besloten haar te laten inslapen om haar verder lijden te besparen. Deze foto werd genomen op de show in Brussel waar ze, amper 9 maanden oud, Beste v/h Ras werd en 3e BIG. De toon was meteen gezet voor een onnavolgbare showcarrière.
Today was a lovely spring day, but for us it was one of the darkest days of our lives. Topsy's health problems, which started a few weeks ago, had reached an irreversible low, leaving us no alternative but to save her from further suffering. The picture above was taken at the Brussels Dog Show where, at the tender age of 9 months, she won BOB and BIG3. This marked the beginning of an unparalleled show career.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Belgian English Cocker Club

Once again we had a good day out at the Belgian English Cocker Club's Ch. Show: Maggie won Best Puppy in Show and Dory won the Res. CAC. Maggie's litter brother Cooper won his class and Lina got a second in Champion Class. Derek Shapland (UK) was the judge.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Flanders Dog Show

Het nieuwe showseizoen is voor ons begonnen met de CACIB show in Gent. Dit was meteen ook het debuut voor onze nieuwe puppy Maggie (Billsor Imagine). Zij werd onder de Engelse rasspecialiste Anne Webster ("Asquanne") Beste Puppy en later in de erering eindigde ze als Reserve Beste Puppy in Show!
Our new show season started with the Flanders Dog Show (CACIB show held in Ghent). This was also the debut for our new puppy Maggie (Billsor Imagine). She won Best Puppy under breed specialist Anne Webster ("Asquanne") and later went on to win Reserve Best Puppy in Show!