De Clubshow van de Belgian English Cocker Club was alweer een succes voor onze bescheiden kennel: Maggie werd Beste Puppy in Show en Dory won het Reserve CAC. Maggie's broer Cooper won zijn klas en Lina was tweede in Kampioensklas. Keurmeester was Derek Shapland (UK).
Once again we had a good day out at the Belgian English Cocker Club's Ch. Show: Maggie won Best Puppy in Show and Dory won the Res. CAC. Maggie's litter brother Cooper won his class and Lina got a second in Champion Class. Derek Shapland (UK) was the judge.
Once again we had a good day out at the Belgian English Cocker Club's Ch. Show: Maggie won Best Puppy in Show and Dory won the Res. CAC. Maggie's litter brother Cooper won his class and Lina got a second in Champion Class. Derek Shapland (UK) was the judge.