Het was een 'familie aangelegenheid" op de Clubshow van de Sporting Spaniel Association vandaag. Anna (Billsor On a Mission: Backhills Finish First x Kamp. Billsor Imagine) won op haar allereerste show Beste Baby v/h Ras. Haar moeder Maggie won BOB. Ze is nu naast Nederlands en Luxemburgs ook Belgisch (Show) Kampioen. Anna's overgrootmoeder langs vader's kant Lina (Kamp. Billsor Feelinblue) won voor het tweede jaar op rij Beste Veteraan in Show. Keurmeesters was mevr. Viviane Boesmans.

It was a family affair at this year's Ch Show of the Sporting Spaniel Association. Anna (Billsor On a Mission), who had her debut today, won Best Baby. She is by Bachhills Finish First x Sh Ch Billsor Imagine. Her mum Maggie won BOB (adding the Belgian Sh Ch title to her name) while her great grandmother on her father's side Lina (Sh Ch Billsor Feelinblue) won Best Veteran in Show for the second year running. Mrs Viviane Boesmans was the judge.